Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Lip Saver! (oh yeah)

Last year I had the worst chapped lips ever! (ha)
No, it is true my friends. I used from Blistex to Carmex, whatever else I could find that had the chap stick or lip balm stamped on it.

I say: ALL SUCKED! Until I decided to purchase this lip balm called Smith's Rosebud Salve from Sephora. 
So moral of the story: It saved my super chapped lips from its bloody terror and pain.  (is that even a moral?) who cares! try it!

  It is 6 bucks but I have been using it since last year and still have half of the product in my tubey left. Why is that? Well, because it works fast and you don't have to constantly reapply to get rid of those horribly chapped lips, like so many other chap sticks or lip balms. Plus it smells like roses.

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